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Australia endures hottest day on record

Man sits in the shade on a beach in Adelaide, AustraliaImage copyright EPA

Australia has experienced its hottest day on record with the national average temperature reaching a high of 40.9C (105.6F), meteorologists say.

The Bureau of Meteorology said “extensive” heat on Tuesday tipped the mercury past the previous record of 40.3C set on 7 January 2013.

Taking the average of maximum temperatures across the country is the most accurate measure of a heatwave.

The record comes as the nation battles an unprecedented bushfire crisis that has prompted public anger about climate inaction.

What has immediately led to this?

Australia heated up this week as a mass of hot air swept east across the continent, with the Bureau of Meteorology forecasting “severe to extreme heatwave conditions”.

Several individual heat records for towns and cities have already been shattered. On Tuesday, several areas across the nation’s centre recorded temperatures above 45C.

At the start of the week, Perth, the capital of Western Australia, recorded three days in a row above 40C – a record for December.

The dominant climate driver behind the heat has been a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) – an event where sea surface temperatures are warmer in the western half of the ocean, cooler in the east.

The difference between the two temperatures is currently the strongest in 60 years. The warmer waters cause higher-than-average rains in the western Indian Ocean region, leading to flooding, and drier conditions across South East Asia and Australia.

But Australia has been enduring a drought for a long time – several years in some places. Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (Bom) says the dry soil has meant less evaporation – which would normally exert a cooling influence on the landscape.

What is climate change doing to Australia?

According to Bom, Australia has warmed overall by just over 1C since 1910, with most of the heating occurring since 1950.

Nine of Australia’s top 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 2005.

Officials predicts that 2019, on the temperatures recorded so far, will be among the four warmest years on record. Bom says it’s expecting national mean temperatures to be at least 1.3C above the long-term average of 27.5C.

That heat has helped create the conditions for natural disasters like bushfires, droughts and floods – which have always happened in Australia – to be more frequent and more severe.

“Australia’s climate is increasingly influenced by global warning and natural variability takes place on top of this background trend,” says Bom.

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Media captionWhy Australia bushfires are now ‘hotter and more intense’

Vast areas of the nation are struggling through a second and third year of drought. According to the measurements for 2019 so far, the year has been Australia’s driest in over a century.

Australia’s conservative government has been criticised both at home and internationally for what’s seen as an inadequate climate record and a reliance on coal.

Australia is one of the highest emitters of carbon pollution per capita, largely because it is still heavily reliant on fossil fuel power. The UN has also said it is among the minority of G20 nations falling short on its emissions cuts goals.

As the bushfires, and other natural crises, have raged on there has been growing public anger towards the government’s inaction, and demands for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to properly acknowledge the impact of climate change.

How damaging can heatwaves be in Australia?

Heatwaves are Australia’s deadliest natural disaster and have killed thousands more people than bushfires or floods.

Last summer (2018-2019) was recorded as the nation’s hottest on record, as average temperatures soared past 30C (86F) for the first time.

At least five of the days were recorded among the nation’s top 10 hottest on record.

The heat, which was concentrated over one fortnight in January, caused mass wildlife deaths, sparked bushfires and led to a rise in hospital admissions.

It also sparked furious political discussion about the nation’s energy grid, after densely populated city areas were forced to endure blackouts amid the heat.

What does this mean for the fires?

More than 100 blazes are still burning across Australia’s east coast – with the high temperatures escalating dangerous conditions.

Bom and fire authorities warned that the record temperatures had made the fires more volatile and harder to fight.

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-50817963

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