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Nigerian News

Afe Babalola, Soyinka, Others To Speak At Lecture On Knowledge-Based Society

Eminent Nigerian scholars, digital and social entrepreneurs and relevant stakeholders in education, research and innovations industry will on February 19, 2020 converge at a lecture to discuss on the needs for the Nigerian Government to shift focus from the traditional economy to building a knowledge-based economy and society.

The lecture organised by a Yoruba Intelligentsia group, the Voice of Reason Advocacy for Social Development Foundation, will be chaired by Aare Afe Babalola (SAN), Noble laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka, as special guest of honour.
According to a statement by a member of the Publicity Committee for the event, Chief Olufemi Kufo, government must create room for innovation if the country was to develop at a fast pace.

Kufo added that Nigerians are looking forward to having a country where citizens can compete at the global stage.

He said, “While we consistently push towards a restructured Nigeria, we need to let the government and relevant stakeholders understand that this is the era of ideas, innovations, creativity and digital communications, therefore, there’s need to fund research and innovations in this country if not, danger looms.

“We are putting this event together to free up the creative energies of the people of Nigeria especially the younger generation and domesticate responsibility and accountability.

“We want a Nigeria where people, through innovations, can creatively compete with global economies against the current trend of consuming without building.”

The statement further adds that all vice-chancellors and rectors of government-owned universities and polytechnics in Lagos, Ogun and Oyo states including Babcock University have been specially invited as special guests to the event.

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article http://saharareporters.com/2020/02/06/afe-babalola-soyinka-others-speak-lecture-knowledge-based-society

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