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In pictures: South Korea mass wedding defies coronavirus fears

Couples at a mass wedding held by the Unification Church in Gapyeong-gun in South Korea.Image copyright Reuters
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Thousands of couples have attended a mass wedding held by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, also known as the Unification Church, in South Korea.

The ceremony was held at the Cheongshim Peace World Centre in Gapyeongin near the capital Seoul despite fears the event could help spread the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan in China.

South Korea has confirmed 24 cases of the coronavirus – the latest a South Korean airlifted from Wuhan last week.

A bride wearing a mask for protection from the new coronavirus, attends a mass wedding ceremony of the Unification Church at Cheongshim Peace World Centre in Gapyeong,Image copyright Reuters
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Some of the couples wore masks for the ceremony but not everyone saw a mask as a necessary precaution.

Bride takes a selfie at a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in South Korea.Image copyright AFP
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Nearly 6,000 people from more than 60 countries were married at the event. Such events have been a feature of the Unification Church since the 1960s.

Attendees are checked using thermometers at a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in South Korea.Image copyright Getty Images
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Attendees were checked for coronavirus symptoms. Other large-scale events in South Korea have been cancelled. The church did however ban couples from China from attending.

Couples prepare for their performances at a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in South Korea.Image copyright AFP
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Couples prepare for their performances at a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in Gapyeong.Image copyright AFP
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Couples at a a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in Gapyeong.Image copyright Getty Images
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The Unification Church handed out face masks to the 30,000-strong crowd – but not everyone wore them.

A bride, wearing a mask, checks her phone during a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in GapyeongImage copyright Woohae Cho
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A masked couple share a moment during a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in GapyeongImage copyright AFP
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A couple wearing protective face masks attend a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in GapyeongImage copyright AFP
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Couples exchange rings a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in GapyeongImage copyright AFP
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Couples celebrate at a mass wedding ceremony organised by the Unification Church in GapyeongImage copyright AFP
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All images copyright

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51414560

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