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June 26, 2024
Worship Media
World News

Coronavirus: How to fly during a global pandemic

Jumping on a plane and going on holiday looks and feels very different to how it did at the start of 2020.

Airports and airlines have both been making changes to the way they work to get passengers flying again.

These include measures that help reduce the chances of coronavirus being spread, help ensure social distancing and reduce the number of things passengers need to touch known as ‘contact points’.

The UK government has released advice on what you can do to keep safe while flying. It’s currently reviewing it’s measures on asking people to quarantine when they return to the UK.

Here BBC Health and Science Correspondent, Laura Foster, has been to Southend Airport to show you what you need to do if you’re thinking of catching a flight.

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-53142063

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