Gena Rowlands, the Oscar-nominated actor best known for the string of films she collaborated on with her husband, the director John Cassavetes, has died aged 94. Her son, Nick Cassavetes, made the announcement on Wednesday, August 14. In 2024 Nick revealed that she had Alzheimers. Gena was a successful actor before and after her films with Cassavetes. However, it is the string of films she made with her actor-turned-director husband that came to define her career. Rowlands played a series of groundbreaking roles, including in Faces (1968), Minnie and Moskowitz (1971), A Woman Under the Influence (1974), Opening Night (1977), Gloria (1980) and Love Streams (1984). Gena earned two Oscar nods for 1974s A Woman Under the Influence, in which she played a wife and mother cracking under the burden of domestic harmony, and Gloria in 1980, about a woman who helps a young boy escape the mob. In addition to the Oscar nominations, Rowlands earned three Primetime Emmy Awards, one Daytime Emmy and two Golden Globes. She was awarded an honorary Academy Award in 2015 in recognition of her work and legacy in Hollywood. A new generation was introduced to Rowlands in her sons blockbuster The Notebook, in which she played a woman whose memory is ravaged, looking back on a romance for the ages. She also appeared in her son Nick Cassavetes Unhook the Stars in 1996. In her later years, Rowlands made several appearances in films and TV, including in The Skeleton Key and the detective series Monk. Her last appearance in a movie was in 2014, playing a retiree who befriends her gay dance instructor in Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks. The post ‘The Notebook’ star, Gena Rowlands dies appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog. Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article