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June 17, 2024
Worship Media
Nigerian News

Having a tattoo on your body or dreadlocks on your head doesn’t automatically make you a criminal- Dolapo Badmus

Having a tattoo on your body or dreadlocks on your head doesn

Police PRO, Dolapo Badmus, has asked Nigerians to resist the intimidation of any law enforcement officer who would want to arrest them simply because they have tattoos on their bodies or dreadlock on their head.

In a tweet posted on Thursday morning, Dolapo wrote;

”HAVING TATTOO ON YOUR BODY OR DREADLOCKS ON YOUR HEAD DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MAKE YOU A CRIMINAL. Resist the intimidation of any law enforcer who wants to use that as basis to terrorize you by remaining calm,firm, courteous and insisting on not being a criminal for having that.”

Having a tattoo on your body or dreadlocks on your head doesn

Having a tattoo on your body or dreadlocks on your head doesn

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2020/2/having-a-tattoo-on-your-body-or-dreadlocks-on-your-head-doesnt-automatically-make-you-a-criminal-dolapo-badmus.html

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