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Hold Northern Governors, Elites Responsible For Resurgence Of Insecurity In North –Shehu Sani

Northern governors and political elites have been accused of being responsible for the upsurge in killings and kidnappings going on in Kastina, Kaduna and Plateau states.

Armed bandits and insurgents had few days ago unleashed mayhem and burnt down villages in these states, killing many people including women and children.

Speaking on the issue, a former federal lawmaker from Kaduna State, Shehu Sani, told SaharaReporters that the silence of governors and political elites to tell truth to power on the deplorable security situation in the Northern region was the cause of the recent killings in the area.

Sani said the governors of the region had misled President Muhammadu Buhari into believing that his administration had achieved much in the North when in actual sense the average citizen thinks worse of his government. 

He said, “The bombing and killings under Jonathan administration have turned to a joke with regard to what is happening today in the country.”

He revealed that the entire Birni Gwari and part of Igabi local government area in Kaduna State were currently under the siege and control of bandits.

Sani state, “The political leaders and governors of North-West are afraid of telling truth to power to avoid being tagged as anti-Buhari. They have kept mute because they don’t want to be the enemy of the President.

“The North is in the grip of insurgents that have knocked down the Nigerian Army. People have sold their houses and farmlands in order to pay ransom.

“The governors and security agents have failed to protect our people and this is a sign of a failing state.

“There is a systematic attempt to bring an end to certain towns and villages in Kajuri with these kind of killings. 

“I can tell you in one village alone (Kirawa) in Igabi Local Government Area, in one day, 60 people were massacred.” 

The former lawmaker from Kaduna commended the resilience and fearlessness of Prof Ango Abdullahi and Balarabe Musa, an ex-governor of Kaduna State, as only political leaders in the North, who have been raising their voices to speak against the grievous and tragic situation in the region.

Sani chided President Buhari for failing to arrest the security challenge in the country since he came into office, saying that he should have changed the service chiefs long ago to address insecurity.

He called for the convocation of a security conference in the Northern region that would involve retired officers of the Nigerian Army, Nigeria Police Force and Department of State Services with a view to finding lasting solution to the problem. 

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article http://saharareporters.com/2020/05/17/hold-northern-governors-elites-responsible-resurgence-insecurity-north-%E2%80%93shehu-sani

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