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June 16, 2024
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Coronavirus: Paris bans daytime outdoor exercise

Jogger by the Eiffel Tower, ParisImage copyright Getty Images
Image caption Paris residents face further restrictions on exercise

Authorities in Paris have banned exercise outside during the day, as the fight against the coronavirus outbreak continues.

The new rules are in force between 10:00 and 19:00 local time, and come into effect on Wednesday.

Mayor Anne Hidalgo and the chief of police said this would restrict people to exercise “when the streets are generally at their quietest”.

France has one of the highest death tolls in the world from the virus.

In total, 8,911 people have died there, and the number of confirmed cases is almost at 100,000.

On Tuesday, Health Minister Olivier Véran said the outbreak had yet to reach its peak, telling broadcaster BFMTV, “We are still in a worsening phase of the epidemic.”

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Media captionFrench President Emmanuel Macron: ‘We are at war’

France has been under strict lockdown measures for almost a month. Anyone who goes outside is required to carry a document stating their reason for leaving home: shopping for necessities, visiting a doctor, or exercise within 1km (half a mile) of their address.#

Police have fined hundreds of thousands of people for breaking the tight restrictions.

There have been positive signs that the outbreak may be slowing. Monday’s figures from the French health ministry showed only a small rise of people who need intensive care treatment.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption People who do not carry the correct papers may face fines

But there have also been concerns about the situation in French care homes. Until recently, reported deaths from the virus only included those who died in hospitals, and not elsewhere.

Mr Véran on Monday announced there would be a “vast operation” nationwide to screen nursing homes, their residents and their careworkers, in a bid to tackle the crisis there.

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52202700

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