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Nigerian News

Foundation Threatens To Sue Dangote Group Over Alleged Pollution In Kogi Communities

A non-governmental organisation, Mona Audu Foundation, has threatened to take legal action against the Dangote Group for allegedly polluting the environment through its activities in Kogi State.

According to President of the foundation, Princess Zahrah Audu, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, through his companies, had destroyed the communities of Okaba/Odagbo in Ankpa where coal is mined to power his factories.

Audu alleged that the companies for over a decade had been spewing fumes and greenhouse gases into the environment, thereby exposing residents to health risks.

She said, “The world refers to him as Africa’s richest man; he has been spewing fumes and greenhouse gases into the environment for over a decade, thereby raising the temperature of the Lokoja-Obajana area a great deal and making it a long term health risk and potential looming environmental disaster for residents and future generations.

“He has destroyed the communities of Okaba/Odagbo in Ankpa where he mines coal to power his factories. The residents have begun to develop health issues ranging from eye problems to respiratory difficulties due to the poor mining methods applied in harnessing the coal for powering his factory. This is a double whammy as the Coronavirus attacks the respiratory system in human beings.

“The Dangote trucks have destroyed the road infrastructure in Kogi State from Okaba/Odagbo in Ankpa to Itobe to Ajaokuta and its bridge through to Okene/Lokoja to Obajana, due to the overturned trucks to potholes to a huge number of deaths due to truck accidents.”

Speaking further, Audu said despite the exploitation of resources by the Dangote Group in the area, the people lacked infrastructure and are not employed by the organisation.

She added, “The Mona Audu Foundation will be instituting a lawsuit against Alhaji Aliko Dangote and his companies on behalf of the people of Kogi State, especially those in Okaba/Odagbo in Ankpa and Obajana for the wanton destruction and exploitation of its resources, the environment, its people, its infrastructure and lack of employment opportunities for indigenes and residents of Kogi State.”

When contacted by SaharaReporters, officials of the Dangote Group refused to speak on the matter. 

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article http://saharareporters.com/2020/05/14/foundation-threatens-sue-dangote-group-over-alleged-pollution-kogi-communities

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