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New York
June 26, 2024
Worship Media

A Brief, Entirely Real History of Suffering Endured by People Who’ve Been Called Racist

An early colonial settler on his knees.

An early Colonial settler was mysteriously labelled racist for throwing a smallpox-infected blanket into a Native American home while screaming, “Die, Injuns.” He slowly succumbed to a broken heart from being called racist once, unlike the Native Americans he attacked, who had the good fortune to perish quickly, from the smallpox.

A former Confederate soldier holding his gun..

A former Confederate soldier was completely offended when he was asked to attend two days of mandatory diversity training after the Civil War.

A woman wearing a hat sitting behind a desk.

A woman called racist for supporting the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 suffered the indignity of getting promoted at work by a boss who agreed with her.

Kids call white man who helped lynch a black man a racist

A white man who helped lynch a black man who might have briefly looked at a white woman, but probably didn’t, heroically dragged himself through seven minutes of depression after some white kids who knew what he did called him racist.

The owner of a whitesonly lunch counter holding out his arm.

The owner of a whites-only lunch counter once had to hold out his arms for a couple of minutes so that people could see there weren’t any racist bones in them.

Kid hiding behind a wall of Legos.

A two-year-old kid cried for a solid hour after a three-year-old called him racist for saying “build the wall” and then building a wall out of Legos so that he didn’t have to look at the brown kid down the street.

Sad woman can't finish her brunch.

When someone claimed a woman was racist for using the N-word, that woman tragically lost her appetite for the last three forkfuls of brunch.

Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/a-brief-entirely-real-history-of-suffering-endured-by-people-whove-been-called-racist

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