13.9 C
New York
May 14, 2024
Worship Media

“Hope You’re Staying Sane”: A Coronavirus E-mail Chain

A laptop and plants on a desk

Photograph by Dmitry Marchenko / Alamy

Hey A,

Hope you’re staying sane in all this madness! Sorry to be e-mailing you at a sensitive time, but I wanted to follow up on the below—have you had a chance to review the PowerPoint for next quarter’s national sales meeting?

Be safe and well!



Hey B,

I’m doing O.K.! Figuring out this whole WFH thing with two kids and a husband. How are you doing? You O.K.? What a crazy time!

I’ll look over the presentation now and get back to you. At a glance, I can tell you I think we should rework some of the language to sound more positive—we could all use some positivity right now, AMIRITE?! Hope you’re managing O.K.!


Thanks, A.

WFH is such a struggle. The other day, my plant asked me if I could give it some personal space and I was, like, where do you want me to go? We’re sharing a three-hundred-fifty-square-foot studio. Sigh.

Great, get back to me on the presentation. Definitely can make it more positive.

Hope you haven’t gone nuts or killed anyone (yet)—HA HA.




Thanks. Would love to see a revised draft of the presentation, pumped up with more positivity. While you’re at it, the background colors in the PowerPoint are a bit drab. Maybe we could sub in more yellows and pinks? My other thought is that the image you used of the sales team . . . everyone is standing quite close together, and I wonder if that’s a little insensitive right now? Perhaps we could swap it out, or you could put your Photoshop skills to use and virtually add in some masks? Does that make sense? Am I making sense? I hope I’m making sense!

As for me, I’m hanging in there—by a thread! LOL. And don’t worry, the only thing I’ve managed to kill lately is an entire box of crayons, which I stress-ate in the corner of my office/kids’ playroom while watching “Outbreak” with the sound off. Ha, so much for my quarantine diet.



Totally making sense! See attached for the revise.

Oh, God, I feel you girl. The other day I went totally mental and actually consumed an entire ficus plant, first chopping it up into pieces, and then boiling it and seasoning it with soy sauce, because apparently I think I’m Alison Roman now or something? By the way, do you have any online workouts to recommend? I’ve mostly just been jumping up and down, punching pillows, kicking walls, etc., but it’s getting old and I think I might have actually damaged my hand. Could def use some variety.




Workouts? I’m lucky if I can get out from under my desk, where I now work (I find it helps with the office/home separation thing). But I do recommend a “crouching-below desk”—sitting all day is so bad for your health, and it’s such an easy upgrade. All you have to do is crawl underneath the one you already have. Besides the permanent crick in my neck, I’m feeling so much more energized!

The revise is perfect! Thanks again. My only note is that it looks like you cut out your own face from the team photo and superimposed a smiley-face emoji. Was that on purpose? Maybe I’m crazy, but it seems sort of weird to me. . . .

Anyway, let me know your thoughts.




Not crazy at all! I thought a smiley-face would be cute since I’m no longer “technically” part of the team (I was fired two months ago and have just been doing this as a desperate ploy to hang on to my last shred of sanity), but you’re right, it’s a bit insensitive given the current climate. I’ve changed it to the straight-faced emoji, the one with just a line for a mouth, which feels better. See attached for revise.



P.S. As mentioned, my plant died suddenly earlier this week. I’ll be sending out invites to a Zoom wake for him (really miss that guy), and would love for you to tune in if you can.


Exactly what I was thinking—straight-faced emoji much more appropriate right now. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.

And that’s too funny—I also was fired at the beginning of all this mess! How’s that for a quarantine co-inky-dink?

Anyway, thanks again, and I will absolutely make it for the Zoom wake. (I remember Planty was a really sweet dude.)

In the meantime, hope you’re staying sane!


Click Here to Visit Orignal Source of Article https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/hope-youre-staying-sane-a-coronavirus-e-mail-chain

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